Ross Kernez announces The October SEO Meetup

In an age of fast-paced business and single-tracked perspectives, reaching the big-name brands is a tough hurdle to jump over. This is especially the case for independently owned brands and businesses that need to delegate countless tasks. Within the internet era, it is speculated that all e-commerce owners and entrepreneurs know how to use the web for their individual businesses. SEO is largely one of the most profitable channels in digital marketing and is only growing in exposure and acclaim. It is the key to marketing products and services on the web.

Rather than divert additional funds to a particular marketing firm, self-sufficient entrepreneurs try to find ways to market their brands through search engine optimization. SEO Meetup, which was founded by Ross Kernez, became a community for users and members to learn about online marketing and what it could do for their businesses and personal brands.

Starting at 6:00 P.M. E.S.T, October 24, 2022, participants and members will be welcomed by Kernez where he will begin with a meet and greet. He will then talk about what SEO marketing is evolving, and what the community should expect.

Organizing an event in July, Ross Kernez was joined by many users who shared their ideas and their insights about the recent updates that Google implemented. After the success of the July meeting, Kernez announced that he is organizing a new event for next month.

Ross Kernez said, “I’m really excited about hosting the October SEO Meetup, the one in July was great and I’m so grateful that there were so many new people I got to meet. During this meetup, I’ll be talking about Local seo

From the testimonies of many members within the community, specialists have previously stated that they were able to further their skills through SEO Meetup. Beginners in the community have shared that their understanding of digital marketing has grown from the time they joined to the progress they have experienced.

Reported by multiple sources, about 18 percent of businesses in the private sector fail in their first year. About 90 percent of startups fail in the same time frame, while 20 percent of new businesses fail within two years. After about five years, 45 percent of small businesses falter and disappear, and 65 percent of them break even after the first ten years.

By joining an SEO Meetup, members can avoid the pitfalls of what Kernez calls frivolous spending and streamline their resources toward the best and most effective marketing practices in the industry. Using the benefits of SEO Meetup, Kernez says that anyone can learn and use SEO to meet their business goals.

SEO Meetup translates the complex computer vernacular, while Ross Kernez streamlines SEO into coherent and user-friendly methods. Many of the members and the experts who are part of SEO Meetup give topics on organic content, such as backlink strategies and content marketing. The event marketers then interpret anything you are curious about or want to know.

Through the October SEO Meeting, Ross Kernez expressed his desire to help as many members as possible, teaching them how to optimize their own websites and increase the right ranking for the best search results.

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